So We've Fucked

So we've fucked a few times in the past. It was good while it lasted. I mean we met, were attracted to each other, and it happened. 

So we've fucked a few times in the past. It was good while it lasted. I mean we were together for a while. I was your man, you were my woman, it was only right. 

So we've fucked a few times in the past. It was good while it lasted. I mean we were talking/dating for a while. There could have been something more there between us, beside the penis and vagina. 

So we've fucked a few times in the past. It was good while it lasted. I mean we are still friends now. We still talk on a regular basis, catch up with each other when we can, and I still see you often. We would consider each other friends. 
So I'm wonder do you tell your man about me? 

It's actually a simple question that doesn't have the easiest answer. If we aren't still cool then there's no reason for me to even be brought up. So in that case the answer would be a quick, NO. But since we are, since I'm a friend, since I'm possibly a best friend and we've fucked a few times in the past, do you tell ya man about me?

Do you tell ya man about me? Do you??? 


Alexys said…
I'm a firm believer that sex complicates things. We can't be bestfriends before or after period. I think it's disrespectful to have a man or woman you've fucked in your partners face without them knowing. The least one could do is let them know and from there sort out from that point, but yea say something it's only right.

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