To My Future Wife

Dear my future wife, I will try....

If it weren't for the minimum 100 word count I would end it there. LOL.

No, but I will try and all I ask is the same from you, day in and day out.

I'm not sure of your name, background, how you look, what you will do, or how we will be; but I can make you this one promise. That I will try. To give you everything you need, to be the best that I can be, that I will do the best that I can. I will try to excel you and me, in return excelling us. Because to my future wife; you are me and I am you, so lets try it this one time and make it our best time.

Dear my future wife, I will try....


Rum-Punch Drunk said…
All you can ever do in a marriage is to try your best to make it work, and as long as the other person is also trying, you both have a good chance of making it work.
Loved the post.

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